Learning Disabled? Not My Kid.
“Learning disabled” is a tough label for us parents when it comes to our children. It may be the path to extra services for students who’ve been identified as having problems in class, but that doesn’t make it any easier for us to swallow.
Of course, there are many types of learning disabilities and not all are as serious as others.
But if a young person struggles with reading, the implications for life success may be dramatically affected down the road. Research shows that their chances of employment are greatly reduced as well as their earning capacity.
One thing science knows for sure, however, is that if a child stops reading in middle school (as mine did) neurons in the brain start to be “pruned.” You either use them or lose them. (https://www.normandoidge.com) Another thing to worry about.
Older students who are challenged readers will often refuse to open a book. They’ll say it’s boring or they just don’t want to but the reality is that the discomfort of reading is just too overwhelming. We parents and educators need to find a way around this so that reading can be fun again.

Find a cozy place to read and a subject they love – even if it’s mostly pictures!